
The Versatile Blogger Award & My nominations

星期一下午有一位美女提名我是多元化的部落格!我十分喜歡去她的Blog,因為她的文章隨意親切,十分可愛而且有趣!(HERE: Lauren Powers )雖然只是一個小提名但還是感到十分高興!當博客的時間可以說不是長也不是短、短短一年我也不見得自己發文的速度快及多!有時看到別的博客明明寫得比自己差、照片及網站設計都比自己差卻有不少的公關送試用產品或合作的關係、都不可能不妒忌。雖有又羨慕又妒忌、但我自己了解到自己只想分享我個人應為值得分享的事物。曾經看過某知名博客提及「應為愛而寫blog、不是為賺錢而寫blog」我相信大家喜歡來我blog因為我勉強是算是一個很有個人風格主義的博客了吧。最後還是十分感謝支持!

Hey Guys, How are you doing? Today i got a happy news to share, My blog to be nominated by the Beautiful Lady for the Versatile Blogger Award. I really like her blog as her articles always useful, her style is casual and cute, and funny too, please check her link: (Lauren Powers). Even is a small Award but i am really happy about with this! I started to being a blogger is just a short time, i know i don't post much because is really hard for me to put something is good to share. I am kinda jealous to see there is some bloggers articles is worst then me, picture and the site is not cool, but they could get a lot of samples or products from the PR, even with this emotion, i realized i only like to share something i like and good, there is a famous blogger he mentioned "you should start a blog with love, not with money". I believe People who like to drop by my blog because the blog has a very strong character to show. But anyway, Thanks for the support!

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award and this is what you have to do:
  1. 當然感謝推薦人以及在推薦人的blog 留言
    (Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.)
  2. 附上推薦人的連結
    (Include a link to their blog.)
  3. 自己也要推薦15名博客
    select & nomination 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.)

  4. 關於自己的7件小事
    (Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.)
先來分享有關於我自己的七個小事項吧 ;)
7 Things about myself:

  1. 不介意喝沒有汽的可樂,而且很喜歡熱的可樂,香港有一個感冒的小配方,就是熱檸樂,熱可樂加上檸檬,冬天超愛去茶餐廳點來
    I don't really care to drink a coke without any gas & I love HOT Coke, In Hong Kong we have a little recipe when you get cold,  Is Boil Coke + Lemon and ginger, taste awesome and i love to order this in the local restaurant when is winter.
  2. 雖然對於吃很執著,但其實個人比較喜歡清淡的口味,吃壽司可以不點豉油芥末, 飯和意粉最好小汁!最喜歡豆腐。經常比人說我吃得像呀伯一樣。
    I really care about the food & food quality, but actually eating clean is suit me more, i can eat sushi without soy sauce and wasabi, Pasta & rice i like it to be dry, less source. My fav Food is Tofu, My friends always make fun on me said i eat like a granny.
  3. 因為喜歡畫畫而當成平面設計師但發現自己沒有想像中一樣喜歡做設計
     I am a graphic designer because i love to draw, but i just realized i don't really enjoy to work as a designer.
  4. 去酒吧只會點荔枝馬丁尼,沒有的話就通常是金湯力。不要給我啤酒,我最討厭啤酒。
    I only order Lychee Martini in the bars, if they don't have, it would be Gin Tonic, Please don't pass me any beer, i hate beer.
  5. 開始嘗試間歇性斷食。愛上了!
    Started to do the Intermittent Fasting,I am in Love with this!
  6. 別給我外表騙了,我是超級宅女,超愛電玩及漫畫
    My face would trick you, actually i am a geek, a nerd, i love video games & Mangas
  7. 也別因為我是宅女就誤會我喜歡電影,我會看電影但只有某特定題材及演員而去看。而且最討厭愛情劇。
    But at the same time, please don't think because i am a geek and love watching movies, i don't really like watching movies but i still will go for it for specific themes or actors. Hate the Love stories the MOST.
這15個我很推薦的Blog都是近期都很常去瀏覽,排名不分先後:Now it is time to list 15 blogs that I have recently followed or follow regularly. In no particular order
  1. Petite Gai
  2. Kapage
  3. A Red Lip Love
  4. On Wednesdays i wear pink
  5. NikkiXlife
  6. Tom & Tins
  7. Wicked Witch
  8. The Closet Elf
  9. A Cup of rain
  10. 1100 Days
  11. Fine Clic
  13. Mellow Yellow
  14. Zoe CC 酥誼思思
  15. Kurumi
希望你們會喜歡我分享的blog了吧~下次再見 :)
Hope u Like my share and see you next time :)


  1. I really love this post! Thank you for nominating me, I'll write it as soon as I can! :3

  2. Thank you for your note informing me of my nomination as a candidate for the versatile blogger award!
    I love this post. ^^

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me!


  4. great post
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC / facebook?
    let me know and I follow back!

  5. I love posts like this! PS: Would you like to follow each other? Let me know on my blog! x

    The Fashion Spell

  6. Thanks dear for the nom :D Congrats on the award!


  7. congratulations
    i love read it
    following you, can you follow me back

    new post http://sarameirelesthesnowwhite.blogspot.pt/2015/10/welcome-autumn_10.html

    1. Thanks for following me and followed you back ;)


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