I was too dumb to bought the flight ticket to France which there is 1 stop in Dubai for 26 Hours. (From & return) Please don't do the same like me and double check before you buy! I was kinda pissed to lose a day in France and at the same time to think positive, 6000 HKD around to visit two places, should be is a good deal, right?
- 此不是專業旅遊文章,尋求當地好去處可以閃過這文
- 因為沒有什麼預算,如果你想花錢做大爺的也可以閃過這文。
Before you are reading this please notice:
- This is not a professional travel articles, if you want some professional information to know where to go, you can skip this article.
- I don't have much budget, if you like to have a very fancy trip, you could skip this too.
- I am not really good in english but i really like to share my experience to everybody, if you find out there is something wrong in my article please forgive me >_<
Actually i never tried to travel alone, never thought of Dubai will be my first time. i was so exciting and nervous about this far away, mystery middle east city, i know it is impossible to visit the whole Dubai or The United Arab Emirates, but if i have a chance to come back again, i wish i can go visit Sheikh Zayed Mosque! Even the trip is really short, i still would like to share some very basic information and memories. Hope it will be useful for you when you will staying in Dubai for a short day when your staying too long.
這短短26小時我沒有去太多的地方,都是在Ai Raffa(亞拉法區),Mall of Emirates(阿聯酋購物城)及Dubai mall(杜拜購物城)消磨時間,因為外面實在太熱了!不會想待在室外呢。我自問自己時是一個喜歡夏天的人,不過我真的受不了!!!!
26 hours is not enough for me to visit a lot of place, i was staying around at Al Raffa, Mall of Emirates & Dubai Mall to wait for my flight. I would really to visit outdoor a bit more but actually is really HOT at outside, i am a person who really love summer and don't care about high temperature, but in Dubai was really too much for me!
For my point of View, Dubai is a weird city, they have a lot of Tall buildings,but in the same times. the walls on the streets are Yellow mud color and with the sand on the ground, it just look like a Impractical oasis build on the Desert, it signify this Bustling city is build with a lot of money & is a Fantasy from merchant & Wealthy people.
Based on what i concerned and the questions from my friends, here is the very short Q&A:
26 hours is not enough for me to visit a lot of place, i was staying around at Al Raffa, Mall of Emirates & Dubai Mall to wait for my flight. I would really to visit outdoor a bit more but actually is really HOT at outside, i am a person who really love summer and don't care about high temperature, but in Dubai was really too much for me!
For my point of View, Dubai is a weird city, they have a lot of Tall buildings,but in the same times. the walls on the streets are Yellow mud color and with the sand on the ground, it just look like a Impractical oasis build on the Desert, it signify this Bustling city is build with a lot of money & is a Fantasy from merchant & Wealthy people.
Based on what i concerned and the questions from my friends, here is the very short Q&A:
不會。當地治安狀況尚佳, 年犯罪 率約為 1.5%,惟近年治安因中亞、南亞人士入境居留漸 多,已不如以往,其中竊盜、詐騙最為常見。公然搶劫或殺人較無發生,私家車輛被竊亦極少發生。當地阿拉伯人除了受到回教戒律規範,杜拜還有一條 法律,只要打架就得進監獄,不管誰對誰錯。在街外可以見到當地人的機會很小、 通常可以看到是印度人或東南亞人、他們全部都是在杜拜工作。 因為杜拜的法律很嚴厲、所以不會怎樣亂來。 為免損失在這裡打工的機會。而且老實說、這裡的人超好! 怕我找不到路都會親自出馬帶路、 而且又怕我危險都猛塞我去粉紅色計程車(女性專用計程車)。 交通上都分開男女空間。 基本上和我印象中的中東或回教國家很不同呢。
1. Is it safe for a Girl travel alone in Dubai?
Nope, the public safety in Dubai is Comparatively good, the Rate of about is 1.5%, but as there is getting a lot of Central Asian & South Asian to stay in, is not good as like before, but crime are Burglar & sharper the most. Never happened Robbery & Murder. The local Arabs are following the Islamic precepts and there is one law in Dubai, when you scuffle you will get to jail, no matter who is right who is wrong. But actually you won't see that much of Arabs, because the Occupy rate for the Local Arabs only 23%, basically you will see a lot of foreigners, especially Indians or south Asian, all of them are working in Dubai, as the Law in Dubai is very strict, normally they won't do anything illegal to lost their job in Dubai. Actually to be honest, they are very nice and kind, they worried i wouldn't find the place and will take me there, afraid i will be dangerous in the night just put me in the pink taxi (Pink color taxi only service ladies). All the traffic transportation will separated For Men & Women, is wasn't same what i thought about the middle east or a Islam countries.
1. Is it safe for a Girl travel alone in Dubai?
Nope, the public safety in Dubai is Comparatively good, the Rate of about is 1.5%, but as there is getting a lot of Central Asian & South Asian to stay in, is not good as like before, but crime are Burglar & sharper the most. Never happened Robbery & Murder. The local Arabs are following the Islamic precepts and there is one law in Dubai, when you scuffle you will get to jail, no matter who is right who is wrong. But actually you won't see that much of Arabs, because the Occupy rate for the Local Arabs only 23%, basically you will see a lot of foreigners, especially Indians or south Asian, all of them are working in Dubai, as the Law in Dubai is very strict, normally they won't do anything illegal to lost their job in Dubai. Actually to be honest, they are very nice and kind, they worried i wouldn't find the place and will take me there, afraid i will be dangerous in the night just put me in the pink taxi (Pink color taxi only service ladies). All the traffic transportation will separated For Men & Women, is wasn't same what i thought about the middle east or a Islam countries.
雖然杜拜是一個開放的城市、但怎樣都好始終都是回教國家。 對於女性的穿著還是在保守的態度。當然我看過有人穿得超性感、 不過大都是白人女士(特別是俄羅斯人)、 當然如果你要穿得很露我也不會阻止你、 除非你肯定自己只會在購物中心、因為始終旅客多、 就算性感也不特別顯眼。但如果你有機會走在街上、就請盡量避免。 因為我就算穿得密實、在路上還是受到不少奇怪的注目!( 可能東亞的女孩不多、我在車廂時都只有我一個人是東亞人) 其他女孩子都是穿著比較保守、長褲及不要露出膊頭就可以了。不過因為室內的冷氣很冷,請帶多件外套比較好。
2. What girl should wear in Dubai?
Even Dubai is a open minded city, but still, Is a Islam city. The Dress Code for the Women still pretty Conservatism. For sure i have seen there is some girls dressing pretty sexy, but most of them are Caucasians(specially Russian), i won't stop you if you like to dress so hot & sexy, but please make sure you are stay inside the shopping mall, as there is lot of tourist, even you are sexy as hell, won't be that Conspicuous. But if you sure you are going to outdoor and walk around, please avoid it. I wasn't dressing sexy at that moment, but i still feel there is lot of Strange attention. (Maybe because there is not much of East Asian girls there, i am always the only one, no matter in the train or the Malls.) So you could just dress normal, put your pants on and don't show your shoulder and that should be okay, but watch out the A/C when you are at the indoor, is really cold, please bring your jacket.
2. What girl should wear in Dubai?
Even Dubai is a open minded city, but still, Is a Islam city. The Dress Code for the Women still pretty Conservatism. For sure i have seen there is some girls dressing pretty sexy, but most of them are Caucasians(specially Russian), i won't stop you if you like to dress so hot & sexy, but please make sure you are stay inside the shopping mall, as there is lot of tourist, even you are sexy as hell, won't be that Conspicuous. But if you sure you are going to outdoor and walk around, please avoid it. I wasn't dressing sexy at that moment, but i still feel there is lot of Strange attention. (Maybe because there is not much of East Asian girls there, i am always the only one, no matter in the train or the Malls.) So you could just dress normal, put your pants on and don't show your shoulder and that should be okay, but watch out the A/C when you are at the indoor, is really cold, please bring your jacket.
bus stop in Dubai |
無人駕駛鐵路十分的方便、而且十分簡單明瞭。比香港的鐵路更易明!如果只想去有名的購物中心或是旅客地區、鐵路都可以去到! 通常它都是只在附近、大都有接駁天橋有冷氣、可以很舒服地走去( 像是Mall of Emirates, Dubai mall) 相反如果想去比對偏遠的地區(像是朱拉美清真寺/公眾沙灘/ 帆船飯店)請你乘計程車!(反正起標都是6元港幣)除了不方便之外就是外面太熱! 會受不了!巴士我沒有乘坐過、有經驗的網友可以提供一下謝謝啦。
3. How's the Traffic in Dubai?
The Dubai Metro is super simple + Convenience, if you want to go the famous mall in Dubai for Tourist place, the metro would take you there, normally the station will be around the place, some stations will have the flyover with the A/C to walk (like Mall of Emirates Dubai mall) But if you want to go somewhere is a bit far (like the Jumeirah Mosque, Burj Arab hotel & Public Beach) please take taxi, is pretty cheap and you won't stand the heat when you are at the outdoor, is really impossible to walk even for a 15 mins. I didn't tried the bus, if you have the experience, hope you can share with me, thank you!
杜拜整年下雨量極小、長年都在乾燥及炎熱的氣候中。 根據各位網友的經驗、最舒服的月分是11月至3月。因為是冬天、 會比平常的涼(但還是爆熱)但不幸的我去的時候是9月、還是炎炎夏季、 至少有38度左右。分享一個小經驗。在回香港轉機的途中、因為深夜原故、 一早安排好自己出境去酒店睡個好覺再上機、 因為18個小時相信在機場會悶死了吧? 乘計程車去酒店沒有怎樣發現附近的建築物是怎樣、 別天起床的時候查地圖發現離地鐵站有不遠不近的路程,大約2km直路左右了吧。因為第一次轉機的時候都用走路的去鐵路站,區區2公里我在其他旅遊地區行不小而且更多。可是我又是太笨!!完全忘記當天的天氣是又多熱!2km 的路程差點讓我脫水及中暑死。天氣很熱,地下只有沙,沿路上沒有遮蔽物,也沒有計程車,最後進了鐵路站,發現自己都頭暈眼花了。
4. How's the weather in Dubai?
Dubai's Rainfall rate is pretty low, the weather always keeping in Hot & dry. What i researched before, the best period will be at November to March as is called "winter" But still,is super damn hot. Unfortunately when i was there it was September, still a pretty hot summer, The temperature was went to at least 38c. Would like to share a little bit of experience of mine,when the stops from the return flight, if departure in Dubai in the midnight, as is late, i don't want to stay in the airport for 18 hours, so i booked a hotel and planned to have a good rest for the next day. When i took the taxi to go to the hotel, i didn't really know where were i and hows the Environment as is pretty dark. So the next day when i woke up, i checked the map and found there is a metro station is not far from the hotel, is around 2 km and is okay for walk, actually i walk more the 2km when i was traveling in somewhere, but i was too lame, totally forget Dubai's weather, is super hot, this little 2km walks almost made me die with Dehydration & Heat stroke. I am not joking because is really hot, there is not Plant on the floor, only sands, there is nothing on the street, is blank, no taxi around, at the last i found the metro station, i felt myself was Dizziness.
5. Hows the Commodity price In Dubai?
You can have something very cheap or extremely expensive, is really depends how you spend (sounds like a crap no?) You can go to find some Cheap Indian restaurant in the local area, is only 7 AED for a meal, but if you are in the mall, a little cup cake would cost you 12 AED, all the things if is about nice servicing would be expensive. i would really like to try to find something cheap but there is a problem, as the weather is too hot, you won't have the patience to find a restaurant at outside, just because is too HOT.
About the short Trip in Dubai, well is so so for me, as this place is Unreal for me, but life is short, still thanks for i got a chance and time to know the world a bit more. I hope you will enjoy the article and see you next time!
4. How's the weather in Dubai?
Dubai's Rainfall rate is pretty low, the weather always keeping in Hot & dry. What i researched before, the best period will be at November to March as is called "winter" But still,is super damn hot. Unfortunately when i was there it was September, still a pretty hot summer, The temperature was went to at least 38c. Would like to share a little bit of experience of mine,when the stops from the return flight, if departure in Dubai in the midnight, as is late, i don't want to stay in the airport for 18 hours, so i booked a hotel and planned to have a good rest for the next day. When i took the taxi to go to the hotel, i didn't really know where were i and hows the Environment as is pretty dark. So the next day when i woke up, i checked the map and found there is a metro station is not far from the hotel, is around 2 km and is okay for walk, actually i walk more the 2km when i was traveling in somewhere, but i was too lame, totally forget Dubai's weather, is super hot, this little 2km walks almost made me die with Dehydration & Heat stroke. I am not joking because is really hot, there is not Plant on the floor, only sands, there is nothing on the street, is blank, no taxi around, at the last i found the metro station, i felt myself was Dizziness.
5. Hows the Commodity price In Dubai?
You can have something very cheap or extremely expensive, is really depends how you spend (sounds like a crap no?) You can go to find some Cheap Indian restaurant in the local area, is only 7 AED for a meal, but if you are in the mall, a little cup cake would cost you 12 AED, all the things if is about nice servicing would be expensive. i would really like to try to find something cheap but there is a problem, as the weather is too hot, you won't have the patience to find a restaurant at outside, just because is too HOT.
About the short Trip in Dubai, well is so so for me, as this place is Unreal for me, but life is short, still thanks for i got a chance and time to know the world a bit more. I hope you will enjoy the article and see you next time!
Amazing photos, I love this post!
ReplyDeleteAnika | www.anikamay.co.uk
Thank you hun ;)
DeleteWow, amazing pics dear!!) Thanks for interesting post)
You are welcome
DeleteGreat photos! I have always wanted to visit Dubai!
ReplyDeleteLauren x | www.laurenapowers.blogspot.com
Just to let you know that I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Check out my most recent post to find out more :)
DeleteLauren x
Lauren! Thank you so much for invited me this activate!
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ReplyDeleteGreat photos! I would love to go there too :) I am following ur blog now ♥
ReplyDeletecan you help me with my collaboration and CLICK HERE pls ♥
Thanks for following and followed back u ;)
DeleteBeautiful pictures! I would love to go to Dubai too :)
Thank you!
DeleteAmazing photos!!<3
Thank you hun
Deleteamazing photos , I love it
new post http://sarameirelesthesnowwhite.blogspot.pt/2015/09/brave.html
DeleteYou took some gorgeous pictures!
Thank You so much
DeleteAbsolutely stunning photos! I think when it comes to Dubai, the juxtaposition between city and desert is what makes it so unique. Perhaps it can be labelled odd and weird, but I personally find it very beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMay | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'
Yea this city is pretty but is pretty complex in the same time, hard to explain about it haha.
DeleteWow, beautiful pictures! :)
Thank you!
DeleteThe pictures are too pretty!
ReplyDeleteVisit VALENCIALALA.blogspot.com // BLOGLOVIN
thank you so much :)
DeleteSure thing! Followed u :)
ReplyDeletegreat as usual :) have a nice week :)
Dubai is one of those places I have to really travel to (emphasising on travel because I did visit just for a couple hours during transit) before I die.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all the advice and photos.
ReplyDeleteGreat read.
Jenn | Jennifer Jayne
Amazing pictures!
ReplyDeleteSeems like you had so many great experiences! :)
xx, Anna Lea
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