
莫內及貞德,你好! - Rouen

Rouen 是法國其中之一個很有名的古城,最有名就是聖女貞德就在這裡行刑。聽起來好像很可怕吧?雖然曾經發生過這種歷史悲劇,但是Rouen其實是一個繁榮及別有特式的市鎮。相較繁華紛亂而時尚的巴黎,Rouen卻保持中世紀風格及幽靜的感覺。

Rouen is one of the famous city in france. In the history, Joan of Arc execution by burning in Rouen. Sounds scary but even it happened, Rouen is still a Prosperity and special city. compared to Modern & Fashionable Paris, Rouen still keeping the Medieval style & Quiet feeling.

因為Rouen是宗教與行政地區,由於這樣的宗教地位崇高,教堂也比別的城市多,而且很多鐘樓,法國大文豪雨果認為,Rouen的天空是由百上個教堂的輪廓做成,曾經在他的詩作「Les Feuilles d'automne」提及Rouen : 「La ville aux cent clochers carillonnat dans l'air (百鐘迴響之城)」。

As Rouen is a Religion and administrative region, and the religion it has a Lofty status in Rouen, so there is a lot of Churches in Rouen, French Writer Victor Hugo he thinks, Rouen's sky is made with silhouettes with the Hundred Churches. He describe this view in his Poems "Les Feuilles d'automne" - "La ville aux cent clochers carillonnat dans l'air' (tried my best to find the english translate one, but didn't find any...)

莫內筆下的盧昂聖母院(Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen)

盧昂聖母院裡面(Inside ofCathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen)
聖女貞德教堂 (Jeanne d'Arc Church)
我首先被他Normandie特有的建築物深深吸引,有如走進童話世界。因為Rouen是位於Upper Normandie,可以看到很多由半木結構的小屋,聽說是這些結構主要是出於社會和氣候的需要而形成的。不同年代的風格可是不同的呢。Rouen保存了大約兩千座木筋屋顏色雖然很單一,但整個城市典雅清幽,變化多端的天氣令這種每一分一個秒都在呈現不同的色彩。十分迷人。

I got Attracted with their special buildings, is just like walk into a fairy tale, As One is at the upper Normandie, you can find there is a lot of Timber framing housing, there is around 2000 of Timber framing houses on Rouen, even the color is really simple and pale, but with the changing weather and showing different color and style, is really pretty at all.

盧昂舊市場廣場(Old-Market square of Rouen)



  1. What an absolutely gorgeous place. I've been to France but never to Rouen. It seems like it has a lot of history to share with the world. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

    1. If you have a chance to go to France again, u should take a bit of time to check this city, actually is not that far away from Paris ;)


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