
Happirella 是我自己創作的名字,其實很簡單,只是Happy Ballerina 合成而來的。因為我的心願只是想做一個快樂的女生,在我的人生像芭蕾舞者一樣可以優美地,快樂地舞出我的人生。怎麼樣是成功的人生,現今階段的我暫是都是認為work hard play hard, 四處旅行享受人生是最棒的!Happirella 會不定期分享各類不同的中立評論文章給大家作參考(美妝,書本,美食等等)希望你們會喜歡我的文章。
Happirella is just a name i made up with to present me, is pretty easy, it just Happy + Ballerina. All i wish is to be a happy girl, enjoy my life like a Ballerina style, That elegant & happy to have a joyful life. What is Joyful life to me? I think it should be work hard and play hard & Travel the world. Happirella will share different of topics of articles to you guys as a references or Entertainment. (like Beauty post, Book sharing, Food review etc.) I hope u will like my blog and enjoy with it! :)

 Kiu Law。土生土長的熱血香港青年。處可見的一個普通女  孩。現階段為設計師,但不排除有天會和這行業說再見。從中  學至大專時期都熱衷寫Blog, 由各種生活分享到時裝打扮都應有  盡有。因工作停筆一段子直到心血來潮又從投入blogger為私人  事業及興趣。我對於身邊事物一直在棒著隨意的態度,唯獨對  食物及自下興趣不可思意的熱情及執著。我沒有華麗的文筆,  我寫起上來都是直接簡單及隨意。我在尋找世界各地不同的美  食以及趣事。與他們一起分享食物的美及藝術;拍攝下事物最  美的一刻,打開我的人生尋寶之旅。

Hello, My name is Kiu Law, I am from Hong Kong and based in Hong Kong. what kind of girl am i? i am a very simple, normal girl u could find in everywhere. I am a graphic designer but i am not sure will say goodbye with this industry. I was pretty into blogging when i was in high school until collage, at that moment i really like to share about my life style, my fashion style and photography But since i started working then i stopped for a while. But now i started to be a blogger with some inspirations. I am a very casual person, But the only thing make me feeling interesting and enjoy which they are FOOD & my hobbies! i don't write fancy articles, but my style it just simple and easy. I like to explore the new things and new food & nice place from the world. Share about My life style and the art, take some nice photos in the best moment and to enjoy my life.

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